Sunday 6 December 2015

When it rains...

When was our last fully dry day in the North West?

I ask because I honestly can't remember a day without it tipping it down at some point in what seems like forever.

On the last few week's long runs through the countryside I have had to contend with at least one flooded road, where the fields have been unable to retain any more water. Living in Kirkham, we are at one of the highest points in the fylde region, so normally are not too affected by any flooding.

Yesterday however was ridiculous. I counted 6 different roads on my route where the water was at least shin deep for stretches on end - I don't mind the odd puddle, but this was something else, and not so fun when you're on a 17 miler! And then here is the wind...

This isn't a 'poor me' post, more a genuine point that the weather recently has been as bad as I can remember it since I've been a runner, it has been weeks on end of shocking pouring rain and high winds. How many different storms have hit in the last month?! And there have been many, many people who have been affected way more in other areas of the local region.

It has actually got to the point where I would rather it freeze and be still, and I hate the cold!!

It is the first time that I can recall races being called off for flooding and rainfall - sure, I have heard of them being cancelled for ice, but for rain is a new one on me. It just goes to show how bad the recent conditions have been.

Looking at the TV and Internet coverage of the floods in Cumbria, Lancaster and the surrounding areas, I feel really sorry for the people who's livelihood's and homes have been affected. I just hope that the damage is not too bad and that everyone has stayed safe out there.

I also feel sorry for the race organisers at Guys 10, who have twice had to cancel their race due to icy conditions in recent years and have now been forced to abandon this year's race due to the flooding in the local area. It is difficult enough organising these events anyway, without these added problems. It is a real shame, as Guys is a very good 10 mile road race, it was the course where I made my first attempt at the distance 4 years ago and I have great memories of it. Hopefully it will be back next year, or even rearranged for later on this winter.

I would also like to pass on my condolences to the family of the runner that died in a road traffic accident in Bamber Bridge this week. Again, make sure you stay safe out there everyone, especially if you have to move into the road to avoid flooded areas, make sure you are well seen.

This week's training went ok overall, I decided against doing a track session on Tuesday, as I was still feeling the effects of the weekend's race. Thursday however I got out for a fairly quick session, doing 2x2 mile repeats. My overall mileage for the week came in at 77 miles.

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